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The specifications now require that the washing be performed by directing a stream of water at the rock surface from a distance of four ft through a ¼-in. diameter nozzle at pressures between 50 and 100 lb./sq. in. Washing of the rock clean of rock dust not only ensures that no significant details are missed but also enables the inspections and assessments to be made more rapidly and confidently.

After the rock is washed by the contractor, it is systematically logged by an engineering geologist at a scale of 1 in.=20 ft. A condensed log at a scale of 1 in.=200 ft is then prepared together with a schedule of all areas considered to require treatment. This is usually done in sections of about one mile in length soon after excavation. An inspection by a group of senior engineers and geologists is then made to determine the final treatment. Members of this group have examined all other unlined tunnels in the area including tunnels dewatered for inspection after periods of service, and established consistent standards of treatment. The proposed treatment may be amended by the resident engineer if conditions disclosed during clean-up preparatory to treatment vary from those previously assumed, or if some new features are found.

The primary objective is to prevent fallout on a scale which could interfere with the designed operation of the tunnel, leading to shut–downs and costly maintenance. It is recognized that some fallout in unlined tunnels is inevitable and rock traps are incorporated in the tunnel floor at key points to limit the transport of rock fragments by the flowing water. However, provided fallout is limited to small quantities of the order of a cubic yard or so and does not lead to progressive deterioration of the rock mass, it is acceptable in unlined pressure tunnels.

Choosing between steel ribs and rock bolts

Before the introduction of rock bolts and pneumatically applied mortar, steel ribs were the only form of support during excavation, and concrete lining practically the only form of permanent treatment. Rock bolts and pneumatically applied mortar now replace steel rib supports and concrete lining to a considerable extent, and also are used extensively to treat smaller local defects thereby contributing to the increased reliability in service of many miles of unlined tunnels

Determination of the extent to which rock bolts should replace steel ribs as support during excavation is still largely a matter of judgement, and considerable differences of opinion often arise between experienced persons over particular areas. This is largely because there are no objective methods for accurately measuring rock quality in the marginal range, between obviously bad and obviously good.

In practice the condition of the rock itself may limit the use of rock bolts. For bolts to be used satisfactorily

  1. The rock must have a sufficiently long stand-up time after blasting to allow bolts to be installed safely.
  2. The rock must be capable of providing good anchorage for the bolts, suiiicient for full tension in the bolts to be obtained on installation and maintained indefinitely.
  3. It must be possible to drill satisfactory holes for the bolts because some very closely jointed hard rocks ravel away under the action of the drill producing craters which are unsuitable foundations for the bearing plates.
  4. The rock must not ravel away around the bolts after they have been installed to the extent that the foundations of the bearing plates are undermined.

Details for this article:

Unstable rock and its treatment in underground works in the Snowy Mountains Scheme


Author: Moye, D. G (1965)

Article Title: Unstable rock and its treatment in underground works in the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

From: Proc Eighth Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress, Aust and N.Z. Vol.6 p. 429-441

Other Available Articles

Engineering geology for the Snowy Mountains Scheme

Moye, D.G. (1955)

Engineering geology for the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

J.I.E.Aust., Vol. 27 No.10 pp287–298

Rock Mechanics in the Investigation and Construction of T.1 Underground Power Station, Snowy Mountains, Australia

Moye, D.G. (1958)

Rock Mechanics in the Investigation and Construction of T.1 Underground Power Station, Snowy Mountains, Australia

In Engineering Geology Case Histories No.3 123–54 Geological Society of America 69 (12) p.1617

Existence of high horizontal rock stresses in rock masses.

Moye, D.G. (1962)

Existence of high horizontal rock stresses in rock masses.

Proc. Third Australia-New Zealand Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. pp 19–22

Seismic Activity in the Snowy Mountains Region and its Relationship to Geological Structures

J. R. Cleary, H. A. Doyle, D. G. Moye (1964)


Journal of the Geological Society of Australia

Unstable rock and its treatment in the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

Moye, D.G. (1965)

Unstable rock and its treatment in the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

Proc. 8th Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress, Australia & New Zealand. Vol. 6, p. 423–441.

Diamond drilling for foundation exploration

Moye, D.G. (1967)

Diamond drilling for foundation exploration.

Paper 2150 presented at I.E.Aust. Site Investigation Symposium, September 1966. In Civil Engineering Transactions, with Discussion, April 1967.

Geology in Practice

Moye, D.G. (1970)

Geology in Practice. Presidential Address Section 3, Geology, ANZAAS Meeting.

Australian Journal of Science, 32 (12) June, p454–461.

* This paper was presented when Dan had been Director of Exploration of BHP for 3 years.

Field and Laboratory Tests in Rock Mechanics

Alexander, L. G (1960)

Field and Laboratory Tests in Rock Mechanics

Proceedings, 3rd Australian-New Zealand Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sydney Australia, 1960, pp. 161–168.

Discussion at Technical Session No. 9—Rock Mechanics

Alexander, L. G. Moye, D. G. (1960)

Discussion at Technical Session No. 9—Rock Mechanics

Proceedings, 3rd Australian-New Zealand Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sydney Australia, 1960, pp. 254–250